大赛背景BACKGROUND 大赛目的PURPOSE 组织机构RELATED ORGANIZATION 参赛对象WHO CAN ENTER 参赛报名方法HOW TO PARTICIPATE 电子色卡及表格下载E-COLOR CARDS & FORMS 参赛规则Competition Brief 比赛评比Judgement & Scoring 大赛日程Schedule 奖励Awards 评委会名单Judge Panel 注意事项Additional Information


毛纺行业蓬勃发展,对针织设计师的需求也日益增大,年轻一代的设计师有扎实的理论基础和国际化的视 野,是未来毛纺行业创新发展强有力的后备人才。

设计师大赛在过去的四年里涌现出国内外许多优秀的年轻设计师,他们在大赛中亲身参与成衣制作的每一 个环节,在理论和实践的结合中加深了对羊毛纤维和针织工艺的了解。同时,大赛以 SPINEXPO 为载体, 为设计师们提供了一个展示自我和互相交流的专业平台。进入决赛的设计师将在 SPINEXPO 纱线展上接受 国内外专业设计师、买手、成衣制造商、技术专家等数千位专业人士的评审,从而角逐出优胜者参加澳大 利亚“羊毛之旅”,获得宝贵的学习机会。

With development of the wool textile industry, the demand for knitting designers is increasing gradually. The young generation has solid knowledge and an international horizon, which provide rich reserve of talents for the wool textile industry in the future.

In the past four years, the competition attracts dozens of colleges and universities at home and abroad. They participated in every aspect of garment making in the competition, and deepened their understanding of wool and knitting technology in the combination of theory and practice. Meanwhile, the competition provides a professional platform for designers to show themselves and communicate with each other by the carrier of SPINEXPO . The finalists will be ranked by thousands of professionals, buyer and garment manufacturers from home and abroad at the SPINEXPO yarn exhibition. The winner will gain the opportunity to learn wool knowledge by joining the Tour of Australian wool.


1.大赛旨在推广羊毛纤维,希望设计师能通过大赛更深入的了解羊毛纤维的特点,提升羊毛纤维在服装 行业中的使用比例。

The competition aiming at promoting wool fiber hopes that designers can learn more about properties of wool fibers, and widen the usage of wool fiber in the textile industry.


The competition hopes to improve abilities of original knitting by means of cultivating outstanding designers.

3.大赛对新锐设计师的培养,不仅在于更好地适应针织服装产业的发展需求,也希望推动毛纺教育事业 的建设,让学生设计师在校期间能深入实践,沟通企业、学校和纺织技术科研机构,促进产学研结合。

The cultivation of new designers in the competition not only aims at meeting requests of the developed knitting garment industry, but also hopes to promote the construction of wool textile education, designers in school can have in-depth practice, to promote the industry-university-research Collaboration.


China Wool Textile Industry Association
Zhejiang Xinao Textiles Inc.
The Woolmark Company
Zhejiang Steady Textile &Clothing CO., Ltd.


1、本次比赛面向服装设计类在校学生;年龄 18—30 周岁;性别、学历、国籍、民族不限。
Students in fashion design major from 18 ~30 years old, without restriction to any gender / educational background / nation / religion.

2、参赛选手可以个人或团队为单位参赛,如以团队为单位,团队成员不可超过 2 人。
Contestants may apply for the entry as a team (max. 2 people).

参赛报名方法 Submission of the works

Please complete the Application Form and Submission Form provided in the Appendix, and send the PDF documents to:


参赛规则Competition Brief

A. 设计主题 Themes

本次比赛的设计主题为新澳 2020/2021 秋冬流行趋势主题。

The following design themes are selected from Xinao 2020/2021 Autumn Winter Collection. The contestants should do the design according to these four themes.


这一季的设计灵感源自银河系空间和星球,一场穿越时间和空间的旅行,赋予了本主题以生命。设计色彩 灵感开始于木星的色调和色彩,转而到 50 年代的奢侈风——经过了黑暗的战争年代以后,人们渴望过一 种无忧无虑的全新概念的生活。这个多元化的主题也结合了人们更希望使用自然染色的处理方式,以保持 未经化学处理的羊绒,美丽诺羊毛等优良纤维的品质。

Journey through time and space draws inspiration from the colors of Jupiter from its colors, and its nuances and then move on to the luxury of the 50s and with the carefree and the desire for a new concept of life, after the dark years of the war, The cross-cutting theme combines the desire to use natural dyeing treatments to maintain the quality of the fine fibers of the cashmere and merinos used unaltered by chemical processes.


渴望旅行,渴望探索发现,该主题讲述了色彩和文化融合,其灵感源⾃大自然和地球以及和我们一起生活 在地球上的人和动物。这里体现了一个全新的概念,它着重体现了在面料整个生产链中,从最初到最终产 品的生产过程中,对工作者的尊重,对地球生物的尊重,且生产过程防污染。

The desire to travel, to discover, to mix colors and cultures with inspirations taken from nature and the earth, as well as the peoples and animals that live with us on it. A new ethnic that enhances all production processes from breeding to the production of fabrics in respect of workers and anti-pollution processes.


研究发现新的功能性材料的混合方式,将运动材料的性能运用于日常时尚中,使用荧光色和高饱和色来体 现数字风格,并且这已经越来越多的与技术层面相结合——材料的回收和重复使用已成为了基本的新时尚。

Research, discovery of new material mixes, with performances taken from sport and brought to everyday Fashion, enhanced by Fluo and Hyper saturated colors for a digital fashion and increasingly connected to the technological world, where recycling and reuse of materials and fundamental for a new fashion.


在这一主题中,新确定的趋势色,其基本的色彩是军事战争中的暗黑色系和保护色系,色彩灵感源自最遥 远最黑暗的太空黑洞。在材料和服装上,它运用了所有的新技术:技术后整理, 防水处理,防风处理和 抗污处理等。

Essential as its colors this new sure trend in its dark and protective colors in its military cuts of its looks inspired by the farthest and darkest space of matter. It uses all the new technologies of technical treatments, anti-water, windproof, stain-resistant, on materials and garments.

B. 纱线品类 Yarns Available


The table below indicates the yarn that can be selected by designers for their work. Yarn colours and other details can be found on website.

C.规则 Rules

1. 设计师可任选一个主题或融合多个主题进行创作设计。

Designers may use one or multiple theme(s) to create design.

2. 作品须使用主办单位所提供的纱线品种。如设计需要使用其他纱线请参赛者自行提供,但每件作品的 其他纱线使用率不超过 20%(新澳纱线的使用率不低于 80%)。

Designers must use (no less than 80% of) yarn provided by the organizer. Usage of other material (obtained by designer) must not exceed 20% of the total weight/volume of the final product.

3. 需同时提交设计效果图、尺寸图、工艺说明、颜色搭配、结构说明、使用纱线说明、作品说明,每套 成系作品不超过 3 款。首页使用系列效果图,其后每一件衣服都要有单独成页的效果图。

Designers must provide information about their Overall Effect (Yarn Selection, Yarn Color, Knitting Structure, Knitting Technique), Dimensions, Work Description etc. Using the submission form provided in the appendix. Each candidate may submit a total of 3 looks, every single look of work must have its individual display page. Please use the template provided in Appendix to complete your submission.

4. 如作品中有特殊花型,请作详细的图片说明。

If a unique knitting structure is used in the work, please explain the structure in details.

5. 服装允许采用横机针织与梭织及圆机针织布料拼接的工艺方法,但横机针织的比例不低于 80%(梭织 与圆机针织布料拼接的比例不可超过 20%)。

Designers are allowed to use knitting, weaving, cut & sew in their works. Flat knitting must be not less than 80% ( weaving and circular knitting structure may not exceed 20%).

6. 作品像素不小于 2500X1500(横向),分辨率 150dpi,并保存为 pdf 格式。

Please scan the completed form and save as PDF file when submitting. Resolution of the images must be above 2500 (w) x 1500(h) in landscape. It should be saved in 150dpi.

比赛评比Judgement & Scoring

The competition has 2 stages.

初赛 Preliminary stage

1.根据参赛选手提交的作品电子稿,评委为全部作品打分,得分前 10 名的作品进入决赛。
10 productions to be selected after scoring by the judge panel, will be involved in the final stage.

The personal information of the submission will be hidden from judge panel.

决赛 Final stage

1. 进入决赛者完成成衣制作,并于 9 月举行的上海 SPINEXPO 纱线展期间于新澳设计师大赛专区展出。
10 candidates will be produced a series of garments according to their design in the knitting factory (for their preferred facility) and display them in the competition’s booth in SPINEXPO SHANGHAI.

2. 10 组作品的设计师进行现场讲解,评委打分,评分采取 100 分制原则。
The designers will sit the exhibition and explain their idea to the judges and visitors. Grading is based on a 100-point system.

3. 邀请展会参观者到新澳设计师大赛专区,为喜欢的设计师作品投票。投票结果将计入决赛成绩。
The audience from the exhibition will visit the competition booth and vote.

4. 决赛打分由评委打分(70%)和投票数(30%)两部分组成。综合最后的总分评选出各类奖项。
The final score will be affected by 2 parts of scoring, 70% from the judge and30%from the onsite audience.

5. 获奖成衣作品归主办方所有。
The ownership of the finished garments belongs to the organizer.

大赛日程 Schedule


评委会名单Judge Panel

注意事项Additional Information

1. 参赛者若以团队为单位,奖励及后期费用以一人计。
If contestants wish to enter the competition as a group, each group will share only 1 individual award (if the group wins a trip to Australia, the additional teammates will require to pay their travel cost to Australia).

2. 进入决赛的参赛选手由新澳提供差旅费、打样费和纱线。针对国内外设计师,新澳分别提供两种方案:
Travel and sample making cost generated in purpose of the exhibition for the final round will be sponsored by Xinao. Two solutions of sample making suggest by Xinao:

A. 国内设计师

Domestic Candidates

a. 由新澳安排服装厂为设计师服装打样,设计师前往工厂的差旅费和住宿费由新澳提供。若设计师需 单独前往工厂,需征得主办方许可。

Xinao will arrange garment producer for designer. Xinao will cover the designer’s travel and accommodation cost; Only with the permission of the sponsor, designers can go to the factory alone.

b. 如设计师须自主选择服装厂,新澳提供 5000 元差旅打样费用。

If designer do not wish to proceed with option A, Xinao will sponsor CNY 5000.00 fee.

B. 国外设计师

Foreign Candidates

a. 新澳安排服装厂。采取线上沟通的形式,由新澳协助工厂与设计师双方沟通。设计师不需要前往工 厂。

Xinao arrange for garment producer. Designer and factory will communicate remotely with Xinao’s support.

b. 如设计师自主选择服装厂,新澳将提供与 5000 元人民币等值的美金资助。

If designer wish to select garment producer from their own choice, Xinao supply ¥5000.00 (or equivalent other currency) for the designer to cover sampling and travel cost.

3. 进入决赛的设计师参加 SPINEXPO 展会的差旅费和住宿费由新澳提供。
Finalists will take part in the SPINEXPO Shanghai, and all fee will be paid by Xinao.

4. 所有决赛作品概不退还,请自留底稿。主办方拥有决赛作品的所有权,有权宣传、出版、展示全部决 赛作品。设计师拥有设计稿的知识产权,但未经主办方同意,设计师不得擅自宣传、出版决赛作品。
Any submission of documents, design drawings will not be returned. Please keep a copy of files for your own. The ownership of the finished garments belongs to the organizer while the copyright of the design work remain the designers’. The organizer has the exclusive right to publish, print, and display all of the design works in final round. The designer must not publish nor transfer the work in the final round to anyone else without the organizer’s consent.
By entering the competition, the contestant declares to:
With respect to any designs, products, projects or works developed by me during the Project (the“Works”), I shall own all right, title, and interest in and to any copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the Works throughout the world. The Works are wholly original to me and no third party contributed in any way to the Works or can make any claim on the Works. To the best of my knowledge, the Works do not infringe on the rights of any third.

5. 参赛作品须参赛者本人独创、未经发表过的作品,不可一稿多投,如有公开发表过或抄袭的参赛作品, 将取消本届大赛参赛和获奖资格,构成对第三方的侵权包括但不限于包括版权等,由参赛者承担对第 三方的侵权责任,若造成主办单位损失的,参赛者应负责赔偿。
All design works must be original and unpublished by the designer him/her-self. If it is previously published or accused for plagiarism, the contestant will be disqualified at any stage of the competition and awards. Contestant will be responsible for any infringement including (but not limited to) copyrights. If the infringement is to the organizer, the contestant will be fined.

6. 参赛选手仅可提交一份作品。
Only one piece of design work can be submitted per applicant.

7. 往届入围决赛的选手不可再次参赛。
Finalists in the past years cannot apply the competition again.

8. 参赛选手所提交个人信息需真实有效,如提供虚假个人信息,将取消个人参赛和获奖资格;
The contestants declare to be credible and truthful. If provide fake personal identity, the contestant will be disqualified from the competition and awards.

9. 参赛者需严格遵守大赛纪律,配合赛事时间安排;
Contestant must follow the competition’s rule and discipline, and follow the schedule arranged by the organizer.

10. 本赛事相关事宜最终解释权归主办方所有。未尽事宜将另行通知。
The right of explanation belongs to the organizer.

If you have any questions, please contact the person in charge:

李宝林 Peter Li:+86-13666726758;+86- 0573-88226030
Homepage: www.knitfornext.com
For inquiry in foreign language, please contact correspondent regional representatives: